blindfaithwebBLIND FAITH is a finalist for the International Thriller Writers’ Thriller Award!

The old cliche about it being an honor just to be nominated is absolutely true! I am an original member of ITW, in fact David Morrell (my idol!) escorted me to the very first meeting at Bouchercon in Toronto. After that I was honored to be the chair of the first ThrillerFest in 2006.

The friends I’ve made through ITW have supported and encouraged me during every downturn–even when my dream debut was pulled by my publisher prior to publication. Through them I found a new agent, a lawyer who helped me get my rights back, and the inspiration to not give up my writing career.

The book I wrote during that terrible time when it seemed my publishing career was over before it ever began? BLIND FAITH!

To say that I’m thrilled (pun intended!) is an understatement! Fingers crossed, come July’s ThrillerFest Awards Banquet!