Ever feel like your brain is just plain tuckered out? The writing goes stale, nothing you read is pulling you in….heck, even your fav authors aren’t engaging you, much less inspiring you to get back to work.
Try taking a break from processing words and switch gears to more visual pursuits. Grab some paints or crayons and create some art (no one has to see it except you). Or re-cycle those old magazines by cutting out photos and creating a collage. For those more computer savvy, make a video.
Think of your story as you work, use it as your inspiration. Relax. Have fun. After all, it’s not writing, it’s playtime.
You might be surprised by your results! I know I was.
I created this video that I posted on my MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/cjlyonswriter) as a way to think about my characters and I like it enough that I’m going to see if my editor can use it to give the sales staff a visual handle on my cross-genre book. I think it nicely captures the romance, suspense, medical elements and that this book focuses on the women characters.
Switch gears and return to your writing rejuvenated and refreshed!