Okay, true confession time. I’ve been telling stories all my life (a constant dismay to my parents who swore I’d never learn the difference between fact and fiction!) and writing them down for as long as I can remember….along with that came the dream of someday seeing them published.

So, even as a kid, whenever I had some cash in my pocket, I’d buy a Writer’s Digest and read it from cover to cover, trying to glean any insight into how to make my dream come true. Never bought a Cosmo or Elle or Redbook, nope, the only magazine I bought was Writer’s Digest.

And now, there I am, a full page all about me and my book on p. 22 of the April WD issue (on newsstands now!) in Jordan Rosenfeld’s First Impressions feature.

Jordan was so wonderful to talk with during our interview, I almost forget it actually was an interview! I’m so thrilled that she gives debut authors a chance to stand out from crowd and am so appreciative of her support.

So, go get yourself a copy! And don’t forget, LIFELINES goes on sale March 4th–buy early, buy often and you could win a special prize!!! Check out the contest page on my website for more details.

Thanks for reading!