CJ on The Rap Sheet!

Check out my fun conversation with Ali Karim on The Rap Sheet!http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

We discuss how hard it is to write fictional bad-guys, especially after dealing with ones in real life.

Patry Francis Blogday: A Life with No Buts

Today is dedicated to Patry Francis and the release of the paperback edition of her debut novel, The Liar’s Diary. Go here to see what it’s all about and here to read Patry’s blog and here to buy the book.

One of the things remarkable about Patry and her battles (to be published, to fight cancer, to continue sharing her work and world view) is that she has learned to live a life without “buts.”

No, not that butt, the one brought on by holiday over-indulging. I’m talking about the more insidious, poisonous one that infests our society and prevents so many from daring to dream, much less live their dreams.

You know what I’m talking about. The “but” that starts so many conversations…and brings them to a screeching pre-mature halt.

“But, you don’t understand, I can’t…”

How many times as a physician have I heard that from patients and parents who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions? Who deny themselves the chance at a better life with a simple three letter word, “but.”

My own life has included encounters with death (my own, my family’s, my patients’), head-long collisions with “facts of life” (which often turn out to be nothing except urban myths cloaked in authority), and scrambling, tooth and claw escapes from poverty.

We’ve all lived through hard times. We’ve all had plans go awry, dreams lost, hopes dashed. We all feel sometimes that it takes more than we have to simply struggle out of bed each day and trudge through the routine we’ve substituted for our life.

I dare you to go read Patry’s blog chronicling her current fight, then return to your own life ready to challenge your own “buts.”

Try it. Banish three letters from your vocabulary, eliminate that one tiny word from your thinking for one day, and see what dreams you can set into motion!

While you’re at it, don’t forget to pick up a copy of The Liar’s Diary and visit Patry on her website or blog.

Thanks for reading!

Karma strikes writer!

No, not me (although I’ve had my share of karmic fortune, good and bad) but a wonderfully talented fellow writer who just won the short fiction contest at Once Written.

Click here to read her story, “The Comic Who Couldn’t Laugh”–you’ll be glad you did.

And watch for more from this award-winning literary talent!

Switching Gears

Ever feel like your brain is just plain tuckered out? The writing goes stale, nothing you read is pulling you in….heck, even your fav authors aren’t engaging you, much less inspiring you to get back to work.

Try taking a break from processing words and switch gears to more visual pursuits. Grab some paints or crayons and create some art (no one has to see it except you). Or re-cycle those old magazines by cutting out photos and creating a collage. For those more computer savvy, make a video.

Think of your story as you work, use it as your inspiration. Relax. Have fun. After all, it’s not writing, it’s playtime.

You might be surprised by your results! I know I was.

I created this video that I posted on my MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/cjlyonswriter) as a way to think about my characters and I like it enough that I’m going to see if my editor can use it to give the sales staff a visual handle on my cross-genre book. I think it nicely captures the romance, suspense, medical elements and that this book focuses on the women characters.

Switch gears and return to your writing rejuvenated and refreshed!