Happy Fourth of July!

Today we celebrate the birth of our nation. Yes, there will be fireworks and hotdogs and picnics. But without our heroes, it would all be meaningless.

Heroes come in many sizes. There are the larger than life ones: presidents and astronauts and religious figures.

Then there are the men and women who live next door. The often unsung heroes.

The wife preparing her family before she leaves for war. The father who carries a beeper and leaves the fireworks to go care for a sick child in the ICU. The ones working today wearing the uniforms of police, fire, rescue, EMS, nurses, etc…

We Americans pride ourselves on our humble roots that gave birth to a great nation. A nation built by heroes.

Who are your heroes?

While you’re standing at the grill today, take a look around–they might be standing right beside you.

Don’t be shy, shake their hand, and let them know that today’s celebration is for them!

Thanks for reading,