In addition to the accolades LIFELINES has received from Publisher’s Weekly, The Baltimore Sun, and a Top Pick from Romantic Times, LIFELINES has scored a Perfect 10 from Romance Reviews Today!
The writing, storyline, descriptions, and characterizations are simply superb…a gritty, breathtaking, nail-chewing wild ride in and about Pittsburgh.
I found it difficult to put this book down. It is better than any medical story I have ever read and rivals the best in the movies and television. At the climax, readers will be hanging on by their fingertips. Emotions run high, and debut author C. J. Lyons blends everything and everyone seamlessly in this riveting drama. I award this must-read novel a Perfect 10.
~Vi Janaway, Romance Reviews Today
For the entire review, click here.
LIFELINES is available in stores everywhere now.
Check it out–is that really me?
Click here, scroll down click on Author CJ Lyons.
Go ahead and laugh, I know I did!
What fun to go on live TV–no preparation, just have a seat, here’s your mic, and go!!! Good thing I enjoy improvising, lol!
Just returned from Left Coast Crime in Denver where I had my official launch for LIFELINES and a rocking good time!!!
The first day I had two signings, the first with Steve Hockensmith and Rhys Bowen at Murder by the Book. Check out the beautiful cake owner Lauri Ver Schure had made for us!
The second signing was in Boulder at High Crimes. Here’s owner Cynthia Nye with her LIFELINES t-shirt. 
And then my very first solo signing was at Tattered Cover. Look at what was greeting me when I walked in the door! 
Sold a lot of books during the trip but even better was hearing from tons of folks who read LIFELINES and already fell in love with the women of Angels of Mercy’s ER!!!
Will get these and more pix onto the website asap. In the meantime, if you’ve read LIFELINES, be sure to let me know what you think and send me your photo with your copy to be entered to win a prize!
Check out my website for more details.
Thanks for reading!
AuthorLink has posted a video interview I did with them, discussing the trials and tribulations of getting published.
Click HERE if you want to see me up close and personal….
Plus more great reviews! This one from Sunday’s Baltimore Sun, from Sarah Weinman:
Readers who prefer their medical thrillers to have characters with beating hearts and three dimensions are well advised to pick up this series debut by Lyons, a veteran of trauma centers and pediatric emergency medicine…Lyons captures the frenetic setting of the ER with a smooth style that demands the reader move forward to keep up with the piece, but she also creates winning portraits of the supporting players set to anchor the series.

Recent sightings of early buzz about LIFELINES:
~Candy’s Inside Books
~an nice feature from Ali Karim in January Magazine
~and, a mention in New Books!
Wow!!! This is actually starting to feel real! Six days and counting!
Don’t forget, send me your picture with your copy of LIFELINES and I’ll post them here and on my site–plus, you’ll be entered to win a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card!
And save those receipts–enter my TREAT A FRIEND and WIN! contest for a chance to win an iPod Nano! Details on my site.

Okay, true confession time. I’ve been telling stories all my life (a constant dismay to my parents who swore I’d never learn the difference between fact and fiction!) and writing them down for as long as I can remember….along with that came the dream of someday seeing them published.
So, even as a kid, whenever I had some cash in my pocket, I’d buy a Writer’s Digest and read it from cover to cover, trying to glean any insight into how to make my dream come true. Never bought a Cosmo or Elle or Redbook, nope, the only magazine I bought was Writer’s Digest.
And now, there I am, a full page all about me and my book on p. 22 of the April WD issue (on newsstands now!) in Jordan Rosenfeld’s First Impressions feature.
Jordan was so wonderful to talk with during our interview, I almost forget it actually was an interview! I’m so thrilled that she gives debut authors a chance to stand out from crowd and am so appreciative of her support.
So, go get yourself a copy! And don’t forget, LIFELINES goes on sale March 4th–buy early, buy often and you could win a special prize!!! Check out the contest page on my website for more details.
Thanks for reading!