Thought that would get your attention, lol! Jordan Dane, Toni McGee Causey, Roxanne St. Clair, St. Martin’s Publisher Matthew Shear and I did a panel at RWA National Conference called Sex and the Single Title.

It was in one of the larger rooms (I’m told there was seating for 75) but we had folks sitting on the floor, standing in the back, it was jam packed and one of the most talked about (and praised!) sessions of the conference….and now it’s highlighted in an article in the San Francisco Chronicle:

Writing sex scenes

Meanwhile, behind the doors of a nearby conference workshop, a panel of best-selling authors gave tips on how to write sex scenes – explicit and otherwise. Among their observations:

— “A sex scene is an action scene,” said Toni McGee Causey. Her latest “white-trash romance” is “Bobbie Faye’s Very (Very, Very, Very) Bad Day.”

— “Younger romance readers have a higher tolerance for sex,” according to editor Matthew Scheer of St. Martin’s Press.

— “It doesn’t need to be a how-to guide,” said Roxanne St. Claire, author of the Bullet Catchers trilogy. “A sex scene must be emotionally true to character – and it has to make the conflict worse.”

Audience questions ran to the technical. This one busted up the room: “Do you practice your love scenes before you write them?” an aspiring author asked.

“Well, I don’t recommend the spin cycle,” Causey quipped.

Fellow panelist CJ Lyons, who writes medical-suspense, had a quick rejoinder. “I told you!” she said. “It’s the dryer, on low.”

Yes, probably the first and last time I’ll ever get the last word in a conversation with Toni!!!

Read the entire article here and enjoy!